Stringless bean with excellent flavor!
This vigorous plant has high yields!
Genus: Phaseolus
Species: vulgaris
Days to Maturity: 14
Bloom Color: Green
Resistance: Disease Resistant
50 (P) Pkt
Beans are among Nature’s easiest and most beneficial home garden crops. Nautica Bean has an excellent flavor and is stringless with a medium to dark green color. A vigorous plant with high yields gives a very fine pencil shaped pod with an early maturity. Disease resistant and a great source of vitamins!
Easy and trouble-free, even for the new gardener, beans are best direct-sown into the warm spring soil. For a bigger harvest, sow a fresh batch of seed every 2 or 3 weeks all spring and into the first weeks of summer. You can also sow in late summer and early fall (up to about a month before the first frost) for a fall harvest. Start bush beans like this: Space beans about 3 inches apart in single or double rows 18 to 24 inches apart. For a continuous season of bush beans, do not plant all the beans at once. Make successive plantings every 3 weeks up to 2 months before your first anticipated fall frost.
Like all legumes, Nautica is a nitrogen-fixer in the soil. After the final harvest is in, chop up the plant and work it back into the soil. You will be delighted with what it does for the quality of your soil next season!
Packed with fiber and protein (including the vital amino acid lysine), it is also an excellent source of vitamins A, B, and C; folic acid; iron; calcium; and phosphorus. Eaten with certain grains, such as corn, it makes a complete protein.
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